Thursday, March 31, 2011

W.A.L.T make a poi

 Step One: We plaited the wool with a buddy. We sat together and passed each other a new piece of wool then Rosie knotted the end for us.

Step Two: We got a piece of soft filling and tied it to the plaited cord we made. Then Rosie gave us another piece of stuffing to go over the top.
 Step Three: Then we got a plastic bag and put it over the top of the soft filling and tied it with a piece of string. Rosie did this part because you had to tie it very tight.
Step Four: Rosie put tape over the string to make sure it was strong enough and trimmed off the rest of the plastic bag. Here are two of our finished poi.


  1. cool poi 35fireflies. By Grace

  2. Baily says - I like the poi because I like the colours and how you make poi.

  3. Molly says - Wow these are really great pois, I like Rachel and Williams ones because they really took their time.

  4. Erin says - I like the pois because they look really colourful and I like the way you got buddies helping you.

  5. Hali says - Well at the start I thought I was going to go really really bad but when it was at the finish it turned out good and we had a little bit of bad bits but it came out good.

  6. awesome poi Rachel i like the Colour's you chose and the way you made it
