Monday, April 11, 2011

W.A.L.T use different shades of blue like Pablo Picasso to show our feelings

Today we started painting with Carolyn. We have started studying the artist Pablo Picasso. We are focusing on his blue painting period because we want to use different colours to represent how we are feeling. This was a sad painting period for Picasso and he used a blend of blues and greens to represent this in his paintings. Our paintings are about the Christchurch earthquake. We have started with this because this has been a sad period of time in New Zealand's history. I can't wait to see our finished paintings. Here are some examples of Picasso's paintings from his blue period. 


  1. Zavier says I like it because the blue makes it look sad.

  2. Logan says I like how the art because it's really good how he makes them

  3. Laken says I like the art because it doesn't look rushed.

  4. Erin says I like the paintings because the blue stands out to be sad.

  5. Joshua says I like how you can see the brush strokes.

  6. Molly says I like Pablo Picasso's paintings because he doesn't rush he takes a long time with his paintings.
