Monday, May 16, 2011

W.A.L.T make a short movie using picasa

On Friday we used photo's from cross country to practice making a small movie.
Success Criteria: we will know we have achieved this when:

We can press apple k to go onto the server
We can open the cross country photos.
We can drag and drop at least 5 photos onto the desktop.
We can open picasa and click recently added photos.
We can click the photo’s we want then press movie.
We can add more photo’s by pressing clips.
We can drag and drop the photo’s into the right order.
We can press slide to write a caption on each photo.
We can open the one minute music folder (on the server) and drag one song onto the desktop.
We can press movie (in the top left hand corner) on picasa.
We can press load song from the desktop.
We can press create movie. 
When we had finished we voted on the 2 top movies. 1. Rachel and Cassandra. 2. William and Brooklyn.
Here they are:
Congratulations guys - Ka pai to mahi

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